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Proper Valve Usage In Water Treatment Facilities

Views: 22     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-12-10      Origin: Site

Water treatment facilities are designed to speed up the natural process of purifying water. With billions of people and even more wastewater, the natural process is overloaded. Without wastewater treatment, the amount of wastewater would cause devastation, as it still does today in developing countries. Globally, over 80 percent of all wastewater is discharged without treatment.1 In the countries that do have water treatment facilities, they use various methods to treat water with one common goal: purify water as much as possible and send it back into the environment to keep humans and the Earth safe and thriving.

Valves broken down by water treatment applications: The following are some of the most common water treatment applications and how valves are used within them.

Proper Valve Usage In Water Treatment Facilities-1

Wastewater treatment facilities

The wastewater process is typically segregated into three phases: primary, secondary and tertiary. During the primary stage of wastewater process, ball valves or plug valves are used because it is necessary to have valves that are able to handle slurries, as the wastewater at this point still has sediment, solids and sludge. During the secondary stage, power-actuated control valves, wafer butterfly valves and check valves are used as the remaining organic matter is removed using aeration systems for which these types of valves are effective. During the tertiary stage, check valves, shutoff valves, butterfly valves and ball valves may be used because, by this stage, there is no longer sediment in the wastewater.

Seawater desalination

Desalination is the process of making water suitable for human and industrial use from saline water such as seawater. The liquids used in the desalination process can be corrosive, so it’s important to use durable valves that are made of materials that are resistant to corrosion. Butterfly valves are often used in the seawater inlet, filtration and supply stages, while diaphragm valves are found in the water pre-treatment and post-treatment stages of the process.

Particle filtration

Particle filtration is used to separate water from solid matter such as mud, sand, plant residues and other substances, as well as for cleaning water from lakes, rivers and wells. Typically, Butterfly valves are used in this process for water with a lower amount of contamination.

Industrial water cooling circuit

In a cooling circuit for industrial water, isolation or control valves are typically used. In systems with large-diameter pipes, that often means that high-performance Butterfly valves are used.

Sewage clarification

Domestic sewage clarification systems use basins in the process. Butterfly valves can be installed underwater at the sewage inlet and outlet.

How to choose the right valves

Using the right valves in water treatment systems ensures proper overall operation. The conditions the valves will encounter determines which type of valve is necessary. Gate valves are ideal for applications in which high pressures and temperatures are experienced. Butterfly valves are not suited for slurry applications and are designed to perform under conditions where no slurries are present, such as in the later stages of the wastewater treatment process or in seawater inlets.

Check valves are designed to encourage continuous flow of liquids by preventing backflow. For each type of valve, it is important to note the conditions it can handle and the common applications it is used in. For water treatment, there is a vast array of valve types to choose from, allowing treatment systems to perform effectively and consistently.

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